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Are you looking for a dental office that will treat your family like family? Your long search is finally over, visit Rockford Dental Care P.C. today. Our dental professionals can meet all your dental needs.




Dr. James Nudera grew up in the Fox Valley area. He graduated high school from Marmion Military Academy, now known as Marmion Academy, in Aurora. Following high school graduation, James earned his Bachelor degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. He received his D.D.S. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He continued his dental education there with an additional three-year orthodontic residency and received his master’s degree.

Aside from private practice, Dr. Nudera is involved in many professional associations. He was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon, a national dental honor society. He is also an active member in the American Dental Association, the American Association of Orthodontists, the Illinois State Dental Society, the Illinois Society of Orthodontists, the Chicago Dental Society, and the Midwestern Society of Orthodontics. Dr. Nudera is board certified, having received Diplomate status in the American Board of Orthodontics.

Robert Nudera



Dr. Robert Nudera graduated from the University of Illinois Dental School in 2000. He then continued his education with an orthodontic residency and graduated in 2005. Dr. Nudera is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics. He is a member of many professional associations including the American Dental Association and the American Association of Orthodontists.

Dr. Nudera enjoys spending time with his family, running and biking.




Dr. Loan Nguyen graduated from the University of Illinois and attended Southern Illinois University School of Dentistry, graduating in 1999.

She is a member of the Winnebago County Dental Society, Illinois State Dental Society, and the American Dental Association. While she and her husband spend most of their spare time doing activities with their children she loves to read and play tennis.




Dr. Robert Ryan completed his pre-dental curriculum at Northern Illinois University and received a Bachelors degree in Biology. He then attended Loyola Medical Center’s School of Dentistry earning the degree: Doctor of Dental Surgery. After this, he continued his training in a periodontal residency program at the University of Illinois Dental-Medical Center receiving his specialty Certification in Periodontics. He has served as Clinical Instructor in the Periodontal Department of Loyola Dental School, lectured and given courses nationally, and has been published in The Journal of the American Dental Association.

He has served as president of the Northwest Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society and is a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Illinois Society of Periodontists, Midwest Society of Periodontology and The Christian Dental Society. Dr. Ryan also has the distinction of being a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry.

Dr. Ryan is married, has two children and is active in his church and community. His hobbies include skiing, fishing, biking, golfing, gardening and volunteer services.




We are excited to announce a special addition to our team at Rockford Dental Care. Dr. James Appiah is a highly talented oral and Maxillofacial surgeon who will provide you and your family the high-quality, personalized care that you have come to know at Rockford Dental Care. He will be working alongside our existing team of talented dentists and wonderful dental hygienists to help ensure you receive the best care possible.

Dr. Appiah has an impressive background starting his educational career in his hometown of Ghana at the University of Ghana. He continued his education at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry where he received his Doctor of Dental Medicine where he graduated at the top of his class receiving many accolades including The American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ACOMS) Dental Student Award For Academic and Clinical Achievement, Dr. Daniel Seldin Award for Exceptional Clinical Skills in Oral Surgery, Straumann Academic Scholarship Pre-Doctoral Implant Award and the Golden Scaler Clinical Award for Exceptional Clinical Skills in Periodontics.

Following Dental school, Dr. Appiah went to St. Joseph’s University Medical Center for huis oral and Maxillofacial surgery training. While there he served as Chief resident in his final year. Dr. Appiah is a highly talented oral surgeon who is passionate about his work. A quote he admires about dentistry is, “genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs a good dental care.”
When he is not in the office providing his clients with the best care, Dr. Appiah enjoys reading, soccer and personal development and fitness.

We are confident that the patients of Rockford Dental Care will be in good hands with Dr. Appiah. We encourage you to get to know him as he transitions into his position at our office. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 815-397-4280.

We look forward to seeing your smile soon!



Dr. Gomez-Calzada has an impressive background. Her educational career consists of attending University of Illinois at Chicago and Marquette University School of Dentistry. In addition to her outstanding educational career Dr. Gomez-Calzada is a member of the Hispanic Student Dental Association, Student National Dental Association, and American Dental Association.

When she is not in the office providing her clients with the best care, Dr. Gomez-Calzada enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.

Steven Keglar

Steven Keglar, DDS

Dr. Keglar has an impressive background. His educational career consists of attending Indiana University-Bloomington and Indiana University School of Dentistry.
Dr. Keglar is committed to his craft and prioritizes dental health of those in the community he serves. His mission about dentistry is, “To improve the quality of life, restore confidence, and promote optimal oral health in my community”. In addition to his outstanding educational career Dr. Keglar is Invisalign certified, has had Shatkin mini-implant training, and completed LVI training.
When he is not in the office providing his clients with the best care, Dr. Keglar is spending time with his daughter or mentoring members of Kappa Alpha Psi, INC